How to Tell if Your Deck Has Water Damage
When you install a deck, it is sealed to prevent water damage. However, over time, water can creep in through that sealant and damage your pristine deck. As the months and years roll by, make sure you keep your eyes open for these common signs of water damage so...
Which Nail Works for Which Job?
Most of us have a jar of nails hidden away in the junk drawer that gets pulled out whenever we need to hang a picture or do a simple household repair. But how do you know if you are using the correct nail for the job? Here are three...
Plan for Shrinking and Expansion in Your Wood Projects
Everyone loves the look of real wood in the home. Many homeowners are interested in using wood in a home renovation project but do not realize that wood changes throughout the year. Depending upon the moisture level in your home, your wood project will shrink or expand and may...
Improvement in Construction Gives Positive Outlook on Lumber Industry
There is finally some good news for Kansas City lumber buyers. All indicators are pointing toward continued growth for the lumber industry as construction activity continues to increase slowly, but steadily. This is great news for our industry, which has seen logging levels drop to those that were comparable...
Keep Dust Levels Low in Your Wood Shop
Working with wood inherently comes with the concern of exposure to wood dust particles and the general nuisance of the accumulation of the dust as you work. This dust can easily cause a number of health problems if you do not use the proper methods to contain it. Plus,...
How Different Pieces of Lumber are Cut From the Tree
The process of how a tree is most efficiently cut into its constituent boards is one of the most fascinating aspects of the modern sawmill. In the old days, a master carpenter would eye the round side of the log and direct the cuts as each was made. As...