The showroom is open again!!!! With a couple of changes of course. Our front door to the showroom will be open to our customers. The side door to the showroom will be restricted to exiting customers. Customers wearing masks can enter and shop in our showroom, you must keep the mask on at all times while in the showroom. There will be a hand sanitizing station and all customers will be required to sanitize prior to entering. We ask that all customers maintain a 6′ social distance at all times inside of the showroom. If you do not have a mask or are concerned about entering the showroom we will still have a checkout station at our front door to serve you. A Schutte Lumber Employee will then pull any showroom items needed and bring it to you. At this time for non-account customers we are taking credit/debit cards only to prevent you and our employees from handling cash. Looking forward to see you all. #schuttelumber #lumberyard #festool #hardwoods #woodworking #woodandwoodaccessories #dreambiggerbuildbetter #covid_19 #washyourhands
Posted On April 1, 2021