
Category: woodworking projects

Integrating Wooden Architectural Elements in the Home

Schutte Lumber‘s selection of Timbers, Cedar, Engineered Wood, Domestic and Specialty Hardwoods can inspire unique architectural features in the home that will feature the unparalleled natural beauty of wood. Take a look at these unique ways of integrating wood to add visual interest and increase the value of a home. The...

Pen Turning With Exotic Hardwoods From Schutte Lumber

With over 160 years of experience in the lumber industry, Schutte Lumber knows where to find the finest from the forest and has become well known for an extensive and diverse inventory of common and rather rare lumber. Our selection of exotic hardwoods can help you get results that...

The Best Rot-Resistant Woods for Outdoor Projects

Whether you are building a sandbox for a child, a compost bin for a garden, a bench for a patio, or an entire deck, the wood needs to be carefully selected. An outdoor project requires strong, durable wood that resists rotting as much as possible. Here is a quick guide...

Chosing the Router That’s Right for You

Routers are a woodworker’s best friend. Knowing how to chose the right router can be as difficult as finding a new friend; there are numerous variables depending on your project and an array of confusing accessories. Your friends at Schutte Lumber have drudged up a bit of assistance. The...

Caring for Oak Wood Products

Caring for your oak wood products is simple with a few simple tips in mind. Daily Dusting Use a silicone based product for dusting and adding cosmetic shine to many types of oak cabinets and furniture. Most silicon products do the double duty of repelling detergents and dust. It...

DIY Steam Forming for Wood

Schutte’s Mill Services includes Heat Forming to create beautiful arches, ellipses and circles out of a single piece of wood. These are great for entry ways and exterior detailing. DIY enthusiasts can also try these steam wood bending techniques at home. Steam Bending is a tried and true technique...

Dovetailing with Ease

Organization is one of those things that you’re naturally good at, or you aren’t. Organization is, oddly, one of the keys to success when it comes to dovetailing. Begin by laying out all of the drawer pieces, face down. Label the inside along the bottom edge, using helpful abbreviations...

Grain Pattern Correction

As a natural product, wood does not always behave as we’d like. At times, grain patterns on a choice piece of wood do not run in tidy vertical and horizontal directions. Get the cuts you want from the same piece of lumber without making another purchase! Just take the...

The Ten Commandments of Woodshop Safety

In honor of National Remodel Month, we have found a few rules that will help your shop run smoothly and effectively during heightened operations. Though humorous, these commandments are certainly helpful and worth heeding. 1) “Thou Shalt Keep Thy Shop Spotless And Pure” – Put tools back in their...

Creating the Perfect Finish

Schutte Lumber sells the materials that you need for top-notch woodworking. Adding the perfect finish to your woodworking project can be accomplished in a few, thoughtful steps. A flawless finish begins with proper sanding. For rough wood, begin with a 60-80 grit to even out any irregularities. If your...