Create a Spot for Your Scraps to Keep Your Workshop Organized
One of the most important ways to keep your woodwork shop as functional and efficient as possible is to keep it organized. While organizing your tools shouldn’t be too difficult, keeping all of that scrap lumber organized can present a little bit more of a challenge. The following is a way that you can store your scrap lumber to help organize your workshop.

We recommend building a lumber storage cart. What better way to organize your scrap lumber than by building a cart to store it in? You can easily build a lumber storage cart within a weekend that will hold 4×8 plywood half sheets as well as different lengths of pine boards, dowels, 2×4’s, 4×4’s and more. Building a storage cart will not only give you a place to keep your scrap lumber, thereby keeping clutter to a minimum, but it will make your lumber easy to find and access when you need it. We also recommend attaching casters so that you can move your storage cart around, thereby making your workshop much more flexible and efficient.
Build a lumber storage cart and contact us at Schutte Lumber for more tips on how to organize your workshop.