November 24th: Small Business Saturday
Looking for a great “excuse” to finally get all the materials and get started on that project you’ve been meaning to do for a while now? Well, how about Small Business Saturday!
The credit card company, American Express, celebrates it’s 3rd annual Small Business Saturday this year. This one-day program is structured to give you get rewards for supporting the small businesses you love.
During the holidays, the first place your monthly budget goes is to big brand stores. But this year, set a little aside to support your local stores and shops. After all, the only thing that keeps us in business is your patronage and our dedication to providing you the best products and services.
So, add a little personal touch to your holidays by building something from the wood your buy from Schutte Lumber instead of buying an overpriced, made by a million toy.
For ideas on what to build or help in choosing materials, contact us or visit us at