
Tips for Cutting Your Baseboards Just Right

If you enjoy doing simple renovations around the home that require the use of some woodworking skills yourself, then one of the things that you should be able to do is to install your own baseboards. While installing baseboards on your own isn’t too tricky, trying to cut them properly can be slightly more difficult.

woodworking tips
Source: Flickr

When it comes to baseboard corners, the most common are inside 90-degree corners. The easiest way to install baseboards into such a corner is to use a miter joint, which involves cutting two pieces of baseboard along the edges and at an angle so that they will fit flush when you install them.

Be sure to use a compound miter saw when cutting taller baseboard miter joints. This will let you lay the baseboards flat so that you can adjust the bevel angle. Keep in mind which side you’re cutting from, which side of the baseboard will be longer once you’ve completed your cut and what the angle of your cut is.

Use these tips and follow the baseboard cheat sheet to make cutting your baseboards an easier task. For additional woodworking tips and information, be sure to contact us at Schutte Lumber today.