
Wood as Contemporary Art

Schutte Lumber Company’s customers are not only remodelers, contractors, and do-it-yourself types, they are also artists, as our post about a stunning handcrafted wooden kayak demonstrated. We found another great example of wood as contemporary art on the Contemporist blog.

"Purple Horizon," Pine, 40x40x3, 2009; Image via contemporist.com

This amazing wood sculpture, “Purple Horizon,” was created by Canadian artist Dave Hogg from purple heart pine. He also has created a cedar version, “Cedar Horizon.” View these and other imaginative wood sculptures in Dave’s portfolio, and check out his inspiring custom wood fencing.

Send us your woodworking project photos and a brief description, and you could be featured on our blog too! Entries may be e-mailed to Stacy Fyock at S_Fyock@SchutteLumber.com.