Building a Fence? Make Sure You Use One of These Types of Lumber
Building a fence may seem like a straightforward remodeling project, but there are some important decisions that must be made, not the least of which is the type of wood to use. Before getting started, be sure to investigate which type of wood is the best for your needs and lifestyle. Here are three excellent choices for a variety of fencing projects:
Redwood – Using the very best “heartwood” from this tree gives you an incredibly durable and long-lasting fence. Be wary of fences built from the sapwood portion of the tree as it does not offer anywhere near the same benefits as the heartwood.
Cedar – Cedar fences can be made from heartwood or sapwood, but the relative abundance of cedar heartwood makes it a much more affordable if somewhat less durable option than redwood.
Hardwoods – Though extremely durable, these fences are often prohibitively expensive so builders typically use hardwoods for gates, trim and other highly visible portions of the fence. If you can afford it, however, hardwood makes an excellent fence.
For more ideas on the best fencing materials or to find the best Kansas City lumber for your projects, come browse our 13-acre lumberyard and showroom at Schutte Lumber.