Take Advantage of National Remodeling Month for Your Construction Business
This month is National Home Remodeling Month, which means it’s an excellent time to promote your construction business. National Home Remodeling Month is an annual campaign focused on spreading information about the benefits and advantages of hiring a professional remodeler.
There are a number of ways that you can promote your construction business during National Home remodeling Month. Be sure to release plenty of content to your online followers, specifically on social media. Social media is an excellent way to raise awareness. Post information about why hiring a professional remodeler is to your followers advantage and why they should consider planning a remodel before summer. Make sure to make an announcement on your website to remind everyone as well, such as with a banner.
There are also a number of promotional materials that you can obtain from the National Association of Home Builders site, including videos, press materials, guides and much more. They even have marketing tools available for your use.
Take advantage of National Home Remodeling Month by actively promoting it to your customers. And remember, if you are in need of wholesale timber in Missouri for your construction, then contact us at Schutte Lumber today.